GAMMA GO blond 9 tones

Available only for Professionals

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Blue compact bleaching powder, 9-tone super active formula. Homogeneous and stable formula, allows a non-volatile creamy mixture. With blue pigment that eliminates yellowish reflections. With condensed sugar amino acids, agent with conditioning and hydration effect.

Mix: 1 + 2

Product size: 500 g e 17,6 oz


Compact Powder (non-volatil), Blue Pigment, Condensed Sugar Amino Acids





Go Blond 9 tones can be used with peroxide of 6, 9 or 12% vol, depending on how much lightening is required. Mix 1 part of powder with 2 parts hydrogen peroxide until an even mix is obtained. Apply to the areas of the hair where discolouration is required and leave on for between 30 and 40 minutes according to level of tones that need to be lightened.

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